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How often is The Economist proved wrong?

已有 6 次阅读2024-3-25 09:38

Kaushik Satish - Lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Said:
While I agree with User that The Economist (magazine)'s strong opinions are usually on matters that never really can be ruled right or wrong, there have been few cases where they have been pretty off the mark. On the top of my mind - and perhaps the most high profile one in recent times - is their support for the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. They continued to defend that line until, perhaps, 2004, after which the position simply became untenable. So much so that they have admitted it be either an erroneous or misguided decision. While I have read these editorials, the ones supporting and the ones admitting the support to be a mistake, I do not have the links to them now. But I'm sure you can find them on their website.

Another case is when they published a cover leader, a year or two ago, proclaiming that Newspapers are dead. While newspapers in the West are certainly under pressure and losing share to other media, they are by no means dead. Many continue to thrive, albeit with reformed business models and fewer staff, including The New York Times, which has recently turned a profit.
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