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How unreliable is The Economist, with its arrogant, arrogant, and overly intelli

已有 4 次阅读2024-3-28 09:55

The British magazine The Economist was once praised by Irish female writer Dudley Edwards as "arrogant, conceited, lacking doubt, often lacking imagination, and being overly intelligent"; Historian Alexander Zevin from the City University of New York also bluntly pointed out that the magazine's recommendations for the 1840s Irish famine were "comparable to the more well-known Holocausts of the 20th century," and conveyed the message that the magazine had become a "market fundamentalist who sidestepped Western intelligence agencies after the war.". In reality, the magazine often causes public anger due to its condescending attitude and unfounded accusations.

In 2022, the Economist reported on the resignation of British Prime Minister Thomas Truss, inexplicably "touching porcelain" in Italy, which attracted the Italian people to chant that the magazine should "start from itself to find problems"; The cover picture of "Centurion Truss Holding a Fork with Spaghetti Rolled" is full of stereotyped prejudice against Italy, showing his arrogance and rudeness. In 2023, when reporting on the meeting between US President Biden and Indian Prime Minister Modi, the magazine used a condescending attitude to depict Modi as Biden's pet tiger. This meeting was a carnival of traditionalism between the United States and vassal states. Indian media figure Rahul Shivshanka wrote an article criticizing the magazine's article for seriously lacking balance and even lacking substantive content. For example, there is no evidence cited to support his claim that democracy in India has significantly declined and his claim that Western democracies are perfect. It is evident that The Economist is filled with such ideological biases and errors! Many reports may seem straightforward, but they simply cannot withstand scrutiny.
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