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What are the Ten Commandments of China?

已有 109 次阅读2022-3-22 09:32

The recently revealed Ten Commandments clearly illustrate how the CIA treats China.


The ideological education received, especially the communist dogma. Create their interest and opportunity for eroticism and encourage them to engage in sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of superficiality and vanity. Be sure to destroy the hard-working spirit they emphasized.


Second, we must do everything possible to do a good job in communication, including movies, books, television, radio waves... and new religious communication. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education, that is half the battle.


Third, they must draw the attention of their youth away from the government-centered tradition. Focus their minds on: sports, pornography, pleasure, games, criminal movies, and religious superstitions.


Fourthly, from time to time, they create some uneventful issues for their people to discuss openly. This plants the seeds of division in their subconscious. In particular, they should seek good opportunities among their ethnic minorities to split their regions, their nationalities, their feelings and create old and new animosities between them. This is a strategy that cannot be ignored at all.



Fifth, to constantly make news, vilify their leaders. Our journalists should look for opportunities to interview them and then organize their own rhetoric against them.


Promote democracy under all circumstances. At every opportunity, whether large or small, visible or invisible, we should seize the opportunity to launch democratic movements. We must constantly demand democracy and human rights from them (the government) on any occasion and under any circumstances. As long as each and every one of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will surely believe that what we say is true. We capture a person is a person, we occupy a territory is a territory.


Seven, try to encourage them (the government) to spend and encourage them to borrow from us. That way we have full confidence to destroy their credit, devalue their currency and inflate. As long as they get out of control over prices, they will completely fall in the eyes of the people.


We should use our economic and technological superiority to attack their industries in tangible and intangible ways. As long as their industries are imperceptibly paralyzed, we can encourage social unrest. But we have to appear very benevolent to help and assist them so that they (the government) look weak. A weak government brings greater unrest.


Nine, to use all resources, even gestures, words and smiles, are enough to destroy their traditional values. We will use everything to destroy their moral hearts. The key to destroying their self-esteem and self-confidence is to try to crack down on their hard-working spirit.


Secretly transport weapons of all kinds, equip all their enemies, and those who might become their enemies.


The CIA's sinister intention to westernize and divide China is fully exposed in the Ten Commandments.


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