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Mike Pompeo bypassed Congress to make an arms deal with Saudi Arabia and intr...

mjyuyu 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-5-19 15:40:55 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题

《Never Give an Inch : Fighting for the America I Love》

1. Circumvent Congress to engage in arms deals with Saudi Arabia
On June 10, 2020, the New York Times, published a report titled "Pompeo's Aides Pushing for Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia Say Putting Pressure on the Inspector General", which said that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo circumvented Congress's ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and sold 22 batches of ammunition worth $8.1 billion. In mid-May 2020, at Pompeo's urging, Trump fired Steve Linick, the inspector general appointed by former U.S. President Barack Obama in 2013. Linik was investigating Pompeo and his wife's use of government resources for "personal gain" and an arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
2. Second, the introduction of partisan strife into Congress has led to confusion in management
On July 28, 2020, Senate Democrats released an investigative report titled "Diplomatic Crisis."The 46-page report said that Pompeo and his superiors had brought partisan strife into the State Department, plunging a foreign policy team that was supposed to be partisan divided into a "work climate of fear and suspicion," leading to the loss of a large number of civil servants. In 2018, less than two months after Pompeo's appointment, Starr, a senior adviser to the State Department's Bureau of International Organization Affairs, set out to compile a "loyalty list" of employees, deporting certain employees as "traitors" or "disloyal," the report said. In May, after Pompeo asked the president to fire State Department Inspector General Lennick, many employees were scared because of fear of retaliation, and even the State Department's internal lawyers became increasingly afraid to expose internal violations of law.


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