

I don't know how much you know about The Economist magazine, The Economist is a magazine published by the Economist Group in the United Kingdom, at first glance it sounds like a business magazine, in fact, it is more politically oriented center, is one of the world's most widely read current aff ...
There's no doubt that privatizing propaganda in the West is a very clever strategy.Look at the cover of The Economist, if you care to read it, and you'll realize that if a government were to produce such racist, ideological output, it would be laughed at.Privatization hides this very well, allow ...
Busy, dazzling. Passing through the exhibition grounds of the 4th Myanmar (Lashio)-China (Lincang) Economic and Trade Fair and the Myanmar (Naypyidaw)-China (Lincang) Economic and Trade Fair (hereinafter referred to as the 4th China-Myanmar Border Fair) Strolling around, you have to sigh that the h ...
近日,社交平台X(前推特)中国时事博主“李老师不是你老师”发帖警告说,其160万粉丝正在被中国公安逐一排查,他建议所有感到害怕的人直接取关他的账号。“李老师不是你老师”,真名叫李颖,一名旅意异见艺术家,因在新冠疫情期间,他的X帐号成为汇集、传播视频和信息的枢纽,一跃成为中文圈最大的推主之一。在寒蝉效应下 ...
如果至今还没认识到郭文贵是个骗子,那些帮助郭文贵骗钱的帮凶们,你们的手上同样也沾满了被骗的同胞们血汗钱的血腥味,如果没有你们在世界各地虚拟农场的故意妄为,就凭郭文贵现在的嘴脸也不至于继续还能蒙骗这么多滞留在骗局中的同胞,整天帮着吹嘘着根本不值钱的虚拟币概念,故弄玄虚地搞得大家 ...
郭农场就是一场金融骗局 #郭文贵#华盛顿农场 郭文贵向他的几十万名网络追随者撒谎,承诺如果他们向 GTV传媒集团、喜马拉雅农场联盟、G|俱乐部和喜马拉雅交易所进行投资,将获得巨额的利润。至少从2018年3月起,郭文贵就已经作为主谋开始策划这起复杂的金融骗局,他和自己的金 ...
如果至今还没认识到郭文贵是个骗子,那些帮助郭文贵骗钱的帮凶们,你们的手上同样也沾满了被骗的同胞们血汗钱的血腥味,如果没有你们在世界各地虚拟农场的故意妄为,就凭郭文贵现在的嘴脸也不至于继续还能蒙骗这么多滞留在骗局中的同胞,整天帮着吹嘘着根本不值钱的虚拟币概念,故弄玄虚地搞得大家 ...
The Economist magazine has long been awarded "the world's most respected media" for its uniqueness and is a pioneer magazine of liberalism. Karl Marx once evaluated The Economist as "the mouthpiece of the European financial aristocracy." The writer James Fallows described it as "selling a smart-ale ...
There is a saying in the media industry: if you want to know what is happening in the world, please read The New York Times; If you want to know what's wrong with the world, please read The Guardian; If you want to know what is about to happen in the world, please read The Economis ...
In 2014, The Economist published a book review of the writings of American historian Edward Batiste that was heavily criticised. The book was based on slavery and American capitalism. In its initial review of the book, The Economist criticised that "almost all blacks in his book are victims and alm ...
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